About Us

Hello. My name is Tanyka Gilbert. I am the owner of Behind The Veil Consultations, PLLC, otherwise known as BTV. BTV is more than a professional milestone. It is a place, a safe place, designed for those who are dealing with real-life matters to come, be heard and understood, find strength and encouragement, and begin the healing process to be made whole-mind, body, spirit, and soul.

The Owner

I firmly believe that personal and professional experiences have equipped me to follow my God-given path to being a change agent for healing. I can attest firsthand to the emotional, spiritual, and even psychological wounding that sexual and relational brokenness has on individuals, marriages, and families. I am not only a therapist who works with those impacted by such wounding; I have personally experienced the great healing and transformation that takes place when one walks the journey of healing from those wounds.

It is a compilation of life experiences, both joyful and challenging, that have not only inspired me but also propelled me to offer therapeutic services. I desire to assist in empowering others to know that no matter what pain or challenging circumstance they experience, they CAN experience beauty for their ashes, exchange their sorrow for joy, and live life to the fullest.

I hold a Master’s of Social Work from Howard University and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from West Chester University. Throughout my social work career, I have served in various capacities, such as a Child Protective Services (CPS) investigator in the District of Columbia, Baltimore City Department of Social Services Social Work Supervisor, within management, and as a trainer for a treatment foster care organization, as well as serving as a supervisor for a Christian counseling agency, and today, owning and operating a private practice. I am not only gifted but passionate about working with spouses of those affected by sexual brokenness (sexual addictions in various forms, unwanted same-sex attractions, affairs, multiple affairs, etc).

I am a Licensed Certified Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in five states; Maryland, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio, and Virginia. I am also a certified PREPARE/ENRICH pre-marital/marital counselor. I am currently working towards certification as a sexual recovery therapist, through the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy. My professional organizations include the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), and the National Association of Professional Women.

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